Solflare Auto-Approve [GUIDE] Discover the power of Solflare Wallet's Auto-Approve feature, seamlessly integrating with the GooseFX Perps Platform.
Switching from Mainnet to Devnet: A step-by-step guide to change wallet networks on Solana Understand the difference between mainnet and devnet and switch wallet networks with our guide for xNFT Backpack, Phantom, Glow, and Solflare wallets
Top Solana Wallets for (2022) | Staking & NFTs You would have heard of Solana if you weren't living under a rock. It had a parabolic rise in its prices in 2021 and now sits at #10 in terms of Market Capitalization. Boasting an impressive 50,000 TPS with a meager fee of $0.00025, it got